Recently news went trending in India. The topic is the death of the Indian army Sana. A person who explained the story in Bigg Boss house & his name is Mithun. After that Major Ravi alleges that the story Mithun said is totally false & fake
Sana Indian army death news
“Sana Indian army, Mithun can be charged with sedition: There is no such woman commando! Major Ravi against Bigg Boss Malayalam contestant Aniyan Midhum on commando Sana controversy.”
The story that Mithun told in Bigg Bos, was about the army camp inside experience. But according to the rules, no one can enter the army camp. He also told so many stories. But Major Ravi protests the story. He cleared things up & told me about the rules.
“He could be charged with sedition for spreading such false information about the army, one of the country’s security forces.”