Desh TV started its Journey in 2009. The Channel giving us quality service for 13 years. Today we will talk about some popular news presenters on this Television channel. There are some famous news anchors on Desh TV. people like to watch them on screen.
We tried to provide a short list of all news presenters on Desh TV. If you wanna know the names of the most popular news presenters of Desh TV then take a good look at our post. Basically, Death TV belongs to the Karnaphuli Group. The channel keeps its popularity through its standard quality.
Desh TV News Presenter List
- ফখরুল ইসলাম
- লায়লা ডরি
- আবু নাঈম মনির
- শাহিনুর সরকার
- শাহাদত হোসেন
- আতিক বাবু
- ঝর্না রায়
- মেহেদী নূর পরশ
- নাদিরা জাহান
- প্রিয়াঙ্কা বনিক
This is just a short list that is available online. We will definitely keep updating this post with the all names of Desh TV news presenters. Just you need to share your feedback about this post. Thanks for visiting us. Check the links given below for other channels’ news presenter’s details.
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