News First TV Anchor Name List

News First TV Anchor Name List

News First or News 1st a Sri Lankan private television broadcasting channel. The channel is basically presents news & related topics. News First presents 3 languages & it is Tamil, English & Sinhala. News First was founded on 1st October 2003. There are so many talented & famous news anchors on this channel. Today we are going to present their names & details.

News 1st broadcasting area is only Sri Lanka. They gained popularity for their quality news presentation. The channel plays a big role to exposed people. News First always presents the natural position for the political issue. It has more than 2.23 million subscribers on the YT channel & 2.2 million followers on the Facebook page.

News First Male Anchor Name List

News First TV Male Anchor Name List. News First male anchors are such genius. They present a quality host. This is the top news channel in Sri Lanka. All the male anchors of News First try to keep their best service for this channel. We gave here some of their names. Maybe it will help you to find out your favorite anchors.

  1. Mahesh Senanayake
  2. Suranga Senanayake
  3. Tarindu Amadoru
  4. Shameer Rasooldeen
  5. Azra Ashraff
  6. Thushara Herath
  7. Udana Fonseka
  8. Lasantha Kumara
  9. Dilshan Lankathilaka
  10. Ramesh Kumarasinghe

News First Female Anchor Name List

News First TV Female Anchor Name List. News First female news presenters are also talented. All of the female anchors are so beautiful & well-educated. People like to follow them on social media. That’s why they search online to get the details about female news readers. Let’s scroll down & check their names.

  1. Shanudrie Priyasad
  2. Anjana Premaratne
  3. Chathurika Peiris
  4. Thilini Priyantha
  5. Harshana Hettiarachchi
  6. Pavithra Vithanage
  7. Neranjala Ariyawansha
  8. Sankha Nishanthi
  9. Vathsala Ravindralingam
  10. Dharshani Karunarathne

Final Words :
This post is only to help you to find out your favorite anchors. Please comment with us about your favorite anchor’s name. We will provide more details in further updates. Don’t forget to share this article & comment with your feedback.

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