Lil Scrappy is dead, a rumor went viral online very much. Fans who followed him online, are shocked to know this. The rapper is just 38 years old. He is now a trending topic on google. Let’s explored what happened with him.
The news is published online that rapper Lil Scrappy dead is completely false. It went a mistake from Wikipedia. The rumors start from his Wikipedia page. Someone update the page & wrote it dead. After that the fans who followed him on Wikipedia they have viral this news.
The rumors was that the rapper died on 12 September 2022. But he is now still alive & well. the authority confirmed the news. One of the official newspapers The Sun has cleared this topic. They also said that the news is false & it is just a rumor.
Do not spread rumors until you confirmed them. Watch official sources always. Thanks for staying with us. We will keep updating this post if any changes are available online.